Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) – Cause, Signs and Treatment

Polycystic kidney disease

What is polycystic kidney disease?

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a condition where your kidneys develop cysts over the surface, causing them to enlarge and lose their functionality. This is usually an inherited disease. These cysts are usually non-cancerous fluid-filled sacs that differ in size. Having too many cysts or large cysts affects the function of the kidneys. In serious cases, PKD can cause high blood pressure and kidney failure. 

What are the symptoms and causes of polycystic kidney disease?

The symptoms of PKD usually include, 

  • Urinary tract or kidney infections
  • Kidney failure
  • Kidney stones
  • Headaches
  • Increased size of your abdomen due to enlarged kidneys
  • A feeling of fullness in your abdomen
  • A feeling of fullness in your abdomen
  • Blood in your urine
  • Back or side pain
  • High blood pressure

Usually, PKD is a genetic disorder that runs through families. Sometimes, it can also occur due to gene mutations. 

symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

Which foods should someone with polycystic kidney disease avoid?

Foods to avoid with PKD are,

  • Salt and Sodium
  • Sugary drinks
  • Processed foods 
  • Alcohol
  • Foods with high levels of potassium

How does polycystic kidney disease (PKD) affect kidney function?

Cysts can burst open which can cause pain in the back or side. These broken cysts can cause blood in urine and affect kidney functions. 

How should polycystic kidney disease be treated?

The most common treatment for PKD while consulting a nephrologist include,

  • Blood pressure management

Doctors prescribe diet, exercise and medicine to keep your blood pressure under control. Having a regulated blood pressure helps you in fighting PKD. 

  • Breathing support

This is the mechanical ventilation for underdeveloped lungs in infants. 

  • Dialysis

In case of kidney failure, the outside machines filter the blood from wasted through hemodialysis

  • Growth Therapy

Underdeveloped infants may need help growing so healthcare usually recommends growth therapies. 

  • Kidney transplant

A well-progressed PKD often results in kidney failures which require a kidney transplant. 

  • Pain Management 

There are few medications prescribed by medical professionals to control the pain caused by cyst bursts, kidney stones or infections. 

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